Security Measures and some Specific Features of the Transport Police Functioning in Russia and Abroad

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Graduate Student of the Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation

In the present article specifics of the transport police work in the Russian Federation are discussed, as well as in other countries of the world (USA, Germany, Israel, etc.). Attention is drawn to the need of the role and significance of the Russian police review in the matters of railway and aviation security, as well as safety on river and sea transport. The term “transport security” is a state of security of transport and transport infrastructure, consumers of transport services (passengers) from various types of threats (natural and man-made), as well as acts of unlawful interference in the activities of various modes of transport – points put the author. Transport security issues are important for the creation of the transport police system in the Russian Federation, taking into account experience of foreign countries.


transport police, transport police structure, transport infrastructure facilities, law enforcement institutions, state security, criminal assault, transport security, terrorist action.

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